I was telling my floating reporter today about a food revelation I had last week. Our floor does birthday celebrations. The courtroom that the birthday person works in sponsors this cookie/pie/cake/coffee/dessert/snacks/cheese-n-crackers/cupcakes feast for the day, and invites everyone else on the floor to come and sing happy birthday and pig out. Last week, I attended one such shindig, and for the first time ever, looked the free lemon cake, strawberry-topped cheesecake, coconut cake, and chocolate chip cookies in the eye(s), and reached for a cup of coffee. That was it. I hung out, wished the birthday girl well, chatted with some coworkers, drank my coffee and left. I felt so good about that.

The unexpected thing is that the “good” I felt at walking away was better than the “good” I feel eating yummy desserts. I usually eat the food just cuz it’s there and it’s festive to participate, but I have to deal with the guilt of the excessive calories and that really kills the enjoyment of the food. Plus, sometimes it doesn’t even taste good enough to be worth the subsequent guilt. So why eat the crap?

I don’t know why that’s never occurred to me before. Why I robotically eat the fat-loaded desserts just because that’s what everyone else is there for. My floating court reporter agreed with my revelation/theory. She said that yesterday, she wolfed down a leftover donut and not only did she not enjoy it because she ate it so fast, but it was too sweet and made her sick to her stomach. AND she had to deal with the guilt that night and didn’t eat much when she was out with her family for dinner.

Yesterday, Mr. W and I met up with commenter ‘a’ at The Curry House in Irvine for dinner, and I brought my leftover curried rice with me for lunch, which I ate at my desk before leaving for the gym. A reputedly tactless coworker came in, saw my food, and said, as if astounded, “You eat rice?”
I didn’t know how to take that, cuz do I not look Asian? “What do you mean?” I asked her.
She said, “I didn’t think you ate any carbs because, you know,” she pointed to my body up and down. I guess it’s a compliment.