Yesterday evening, Mr. W reportedly bribed his son, saying dinner out is on him if Son would drive to his mom’s house to retrieve Mr. W’s Playstation2 console, Guitar Hero games, and guitars. Son agreed, infiltrated his mom’s house (where he no longer lives), retrieved the goods, and received his bribe.

Figuring he was on a role (roll? row? roe?), Mr. W attempted to bribe me this afternoon saying if I go over to his house after work, I can play Guitar Hero. I replied that I didn’t care to play Guitar Hero, that’s an ineffective incentive for me to drive over there. Especially while my house is being worked on by the roofers (they woke me up with loud pounding this morning at 7am, which, mind you, is “really” 6am with the weekend Daylight Savings adjustment) this week. He admitted that he just wanted me over and thought offering Guitar Hero playtime would do the trick.

After gym trainee and I returned from our lunchtime gymming, I noted my craving for a smoothie, and decided to bribe Mr. W with my going over to his house after work IF he got me a smoothie. But the difference between me and everybody else is that NOT only am I NOT bribe-able due to my high integrity and true sense of self, but I am also not one to use bribery to get something I want. So I didn’t bring up the smoothie offer to Mr. W.

All right, so the truth is that I got busy in the afternoon divorcing people at my desk and didn’t bother to call Mr. W, and I’m more easily and inexpensively manipulated because somehow Mr. W convinced me to go over to his house after work anyway by sheer guilt and expectations alone. I don’t even get a smoothie out of the deal.

That, and the last thing he said to me when I talked to him half an hour ago was, “You need to get some Guitar Hero practice in before we go up north to play with your friends.” 😛 We’ll see if I can kick “wilco” and “flip flop girl”‘s Guitar Heroing asses this weekend.