Day 1: ALL FRUITS except bananas. Eat only the soup and fruits. For drink — unsweetened tea, cranberry juice, or water.

I had a container of fresh mixed fruit (grapes, canteloupe, apple and orange slices) for breakfast, the veggie soup for brunch, hit the gym at lunch, returned to the rest of the soup, and ate another container of fresh mixed fruit (melon mix of watermelon, canteloupe, honeydew). I was starving all day, and it was weird to walk by the minty rice M&Ms on my reporter’s desk and not be able to have some. But, as I told Mr. W, if I can’t stick to something for just a week of my life, I suck. Strangely, I was hungrier this day than I am when I don’t eat anything at all. So my body must be burning stuff.

Mr. W convinced me to go on a date with him after work. He wanted to test our after-work drive to our new home, catch the new Will Smith movie Hancock on its opening day in our new neighborhood, then watch the sunset in our new view back yard. So I agreed. I met him at his house which was halfway to the new house, and he’d called his daughter on his way home to ask if she wanted to come along and surprisingly, she was game, so we went to pick her up first. Then, because it turned out Hancock didn’t show until sunset, we went to the house first. Even though we couldn’t get into the house as we didn’t have keys yet, we walked around the perimeter and back yard, and Daughter loved it. She even climbed on the low wall to get a better perspective of the dropdown view. She thinks she’ll still be staying with her mother her senior year of school, but expects to visit fairly regularly. She already established where all her local friends are in relation to the house, which she did by text messaging madly on her cell as soon as she found out the cross streets and neighborhood landmarks. Teenagers. Haha.

So since I could eat nothing but fruit and soup that day, and had run out of soup as I didn’t go home after work for a refill, we went to a market so I could buy 3 nectarines. I ate a leftover apple from Mr. W’s lunch as Mr. W and Daughter had delicious looking frozen yogurt from a Cherry On Top near the new house. Then we went to the movie theatre, where I reached a new low sneaking in three nectarines as outside food, which I washed in the bathroom and munched on during the movies while Mr. W and Daughter shared a giant horse bucket of butter popcorn.

Life wasted no time in testing my will on this diet, but I prevailed this day. During the weekend, when I was bloated from PMS, I weighed in at 122.5 lbs. My body released water all day on Tuesday, and when I weighed myself at Mr. W’s house before I left in the morning, I weighed in at 119.4 lbs. I can’t tell if this is water weight, or if I’m actually losing something real.