Day 6: BEEF AND VEGGIES. Eat to your heart’s content of the beef or lean meat and vegetables this day. You can have two or three steaks if you like with green leafy vegetables, but no baked potato. Be sure and eat the soup at least once today.

I had the soup for brunch since I still can’t bring myself to eat red meat for breakfast. For lunch, as you’d know if you’d read the previous post, I ordered a Caesar salad, no croutons, with bland broiled shredded chicken. The salad was good because it had some flavor, but I was pretty sure the salad dressing and parmesan provided more fat and calories than the diet had intended. I only drank water. For dinner, Mr. W brought out a thick cut of beef steak from his freezer and I cooked it on the George Foreman grill, again seasoning it mildly with dried barbecue seasoning. Mr. W had a pork chop which he didn’t even get 3 bites into before he threw it away, since the both of us decided simultaneously that meat no longer tastes good to us. Maybe there’s something wrong with the freshness of our meat, or maybe we’re just used to clean eating. But meat — yuck. Gamey. I’m good not eating it for awhile, unless it’s poultry or fish. I practically felt my body hit ketosis after dinner. Blech.

The scale did not budge at all today. One more day, and I’m celebrating the end of this nonsense diet with frozen yogurt.