Someone had suggested to me a long time ago to photo-journal my workouts at the gym, but I never did because they don’t allow cameras or cameraphones in my gym.  Yesterday, however, I thought I’d take some photos.  Gym Trainee and I threw the cameraphone around between sets.

You see how my Nike gloves match my shoes? Huh? Huh? It wasn’t on purpose.

Push, Gym Trainee! Push! Or, err, something less maternity-ward sounding.

Pull, Gym Trainee! Pull!

I love the look of determination on her face. Like a woman with a mission.

I had kind of a crappy workout, despite the smile. I thought I may have been anemic, but then afterwards I realized it was cuz I skipped breakfast and hadn’t had lunch yet. =P

Vicky offered to sign up for a half-marathon with me. I want to do the Pacific Shoreline run in Huntington Beach (cuz it’s pretty scenery and it’s nice cool ocean weather). I had already run two 5Ks there. Their finisher medals are also pretty cool-looking, metal surfboards. We’ve got one year to train. I think it’s a nice goal. Altho the last half-marathon I ran, I didn’t train fully for it and lost a toe nail. Yech.