I took Friday off to go to an 8am dental appointment with childhood pal Dentist Andy. I booked that appointment with him because I wanted to drive to Vegas with Mr. W early on Friday to attend his niece’s wedding on Saturday, and this way I wouldn’t be lying when I told my supervisors, “I need Friday off, I have a dentist appointment. See my appointment card.” *tapping temple* A good visit to the dentist is one where after he’s done drilling and working on your teeth for 2 hours, he gives you a big warm bearhug and says, “Bye, Cindy, I’ll see you at your wedding! Drive carefully.” Aww. Speaking of Dentist Andy, here’s a photo from his own wedding in Corona Del Mar that Mr. W and I attended May 31, 2008.
This is Andy dancing with his mommy during the mother-son dance.

This is Andy’s sister, Bridesmaid Sandy and her date. Her date deliberately did the sardonic expression cuz I wouldn’t wait for him to finish chewing before I took this picture.
Yes, that’s right, it’s Sandy and Andy. It used to be funny when we were in high school to call and have this conversation:
“Hello, izzandy there?”
“What? Andy?”
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Izzandy there?”
(Say “Is Sandy there?” and “Is Andy there?” out loud if you don’t get it.)
Friday after my appointment, Mr. W, his daughter, and I drove to Vegas. That night the groom’s parents had a barbecue in honor of the upcoming nuptials, which we attended. They were a different sort of people. When we went into the backyard, we immediately smelled something skunky, which I thought was weed but Mr. W and Daughter thought it was something else, like a stinky cigar. My sinuses immediately closed up. A shaved-head guy with a bunch of piercings on his face along with some rather unconservative looking women were drinking away, and wasted no time in getting drunk and high. And everybody in Vegas, apparently, smokes. The only beverages available in iced coolers in the yard were Bud Light and Mountain Dew, which we didn’t drink. Daughter and I looked at our surroundings, tried to breathe as little as possible, shrunk back away from giant fluttering mosquitos, chewed our cold hamburgers which had no ketchup cuz they ran out immediately, and mentioned how we expected to see cockroaches run by our feet at any moment. We managed to get through the whole night without seeing cockroaches until on our way to the car, a giant shiny beetle-sized cockroach crossed our paths on the sidewalk in front of the house. Daughter and I froze and I pointed at it exclaiming “OH my gawd!” and Daughter shrieked and hopped over the insect to the car, yanking on its locked handles. It was pretty funny, tho. Saturday evening was the wedding.
What? Whose silhouettes are those?

Oh, it’s Cindy and Mr. W’s daughter. Who complained she looked too tall in this picture while I complained about looking too short. =P I used to call her my little sister because of the 14-year age difference; this weekend she called me her little sister because of the height difference.

Here comes the bride…

And here’s the groom gazing upon his imminent wife with adoration.

At the reception now! Here’s me with Mr. W’s daughter.

Bride and groom’s first dance. I didn’t know the song they danced to, but I did note that they sang to each other.

The father-daughter dance. They chose “Butterfly Kisses” for the father-daughter dance song, and Mr. W was just weeping away like his dog was eaten alive by a coyote.

And then we all got down…

From left to right up there, it’s Mr. W’s gamer bro and his wife (parents of the bride), me, Mr. W, bride/niece, groom.
Mr. W and I were doing the west coast swing that was so easy for us that we could do it with our eyes closed. Just kidding, Mr. W and I were actually challenged to do the west coast swing with our eyes closed. You see Mr. W’s rocker brother (shaved head) cheering us on to the right.

This is kind of a family photo at the end of the night. I don’t know who the guy on the bottom is, but I think he developed a crush for Daughter cuz of how well she sang at the reception (they had a karaoke reception) cuz he followed her around like a puppy dog all night and wanted tons of photos with her. She was nice enough to accomodate. He just sorta jumped in our photo here so Daughter and I were like, “Uh, okay then.”

As much as the above is a silly goofy picture (at least for us youngins), we had even crazier ones on the disposable cameras they placed at every table. At the end of the evening, Gamer Bro, Daughter and I were collecting the disposables off the tables and found that a lot of them still had film left, so we ran round ilke crazed fools taking photos of everything, of ourselves, of ourselves in stupid poses and expressions, of each other in compromising positions, of each other taking photos of each other, etc. It was so funny. I can’t wait till they’re developed and the bride and groom are like, “What the –? And WHY are there so many photos of them?!” Hee hee! Eh, well, they’re nice people who will appreciate a little humor. Such as seeing on their guest book sign-ins that Tom Welling (“Clark Kent” on the TV series Smallville, a bride’s favorite), Jackie Chan (another bride’s favorite) AND Joe Montana (a groom’s favorite) were apparently at their wedding. Hee hee!