Wed 8 Jun 2005
Today was supposed to be such a great day. [Except for the flaking.] After work, I went to Cypress and registered as a continuing education student and enrolled in the Jujitsu class. I had to pick Jujitsu over Kenpo Karate because Kenpo is held Saturday mornings, whereas Jujitsu is held Mondays and Wednesdays. I email-planned with my college roommie today to fly up north and visit her + friends for the July 4th long weekend, which means I need my weekends free. It felt good driving out of Cypress, a student once again (albeit not a Bruin this time), with a student parking permit for the summer semester tucked in the center storage compartment of my car. I was flying high. Class begins June 27. [I hate flakes.]
From Cypress, I drove farther south to Irvine to the Blackmarket Bakery for the Artisan Breads class, and arrived half an hour early, enough time to grab a quick bite and find the place. I met up with my court reporter and her twin brother at the bakery. We made from scratch Walnut Pain Au Levain (basic sourdough), Ciabatta (italian slipper bread), Challah (Jewish braided bread), and Sourdough Multigrain (this is English and should thus be self-explanatory). Fresh bread has amazing aroma, texture and taste. My entire downstairs smells like a bakery right now. I know this because I just went downstairs w/my camera to take photos of the aforementioned bread in my kitchen. [Flaky people SUCK.] The class ended almost an hour later than it was supposed to, but hey, I do have four pounds, four loaves of bread to show for it. What am I gonna do with all this bread? [This wouldn’t have been an issue if certain people weren’t flakes.]
Today I took the first major step in crossing stuff off my “goals” list. I should remove the motorcycling thing [and replace it with “never associate with flakes”]. In a phone conversation yesterday evening, I was given the suggestion [by a flake] to add “kiteboarding” to the list. It’s sort of a cross between parasailing, snowboarding, surfing and waterskiing. “It has you written all over it,” I was told, “because it’s athletic and looks like work.” I suppose it more realistically and more comparably replaces motorcycling than helicoptering does. [I’m so pissed; the flaking chased away all the sunshine that was so bright over my day earlier.]