Well, I had a pretty wasted Saturday. I did not one thing productive. In the morning, I talked to my friend who invited me to the Los Angeles b-day party and asked her for details. She knew surprisingly little, and then said she’d call me back. I assumed she was gonna get info and then get back to me. She didn’t call me back until 6 hours later, and by then I had already told my mom that I could not attend my godbro’s bbq (send-off party as he’s leaving for UC Berkeley tomorrow), and then I get the call from my friend, and part-way into the conversation, I said, “Wait. If you’re breaking up w/your boyfriend, is the party for his friend tonite still on?” She said, “Well, it is, they’re still having a party, but we’re not going.” Well, thanks for letting me know.
As for meeting up with Brad and Val after they come back from Disneyland? I knew we were going to eat, so I didn’t eat dinner, just snacked on juice and pumpkin seeds and at 10, decided I had enough time to take a nap (Brad’s ETA was about midnite). True to his word, Brad called my cell phone at a little past 11pm to tell me where they’re going to be at 12a, but I was still asleep and didn’t get the voice mail until 1:45a. ARGH! Stupid PMS making me all lethargic. I didn’t even work out, even tho I’d changed to workout clothes and am even now wearing them.
I got into a spat over the phone with someone, because after I answered his inquiry about the godbro concept (how my godbro came to be my godbro), he laughed and said, “That is soooo lame.” I said, “Are you calling my parents lame? You don’t even know me well enough to make that kind of judgment call about my parents,” and it just snowballed from there. After I called Mike and asked for his perspective (he felt that the comment, altho insensitive, was likely not aimed at my parents) and vented, I felt better, and then I logged into email and saw a cutsie little email the same guy had written me Friday afternoon, and then I felt bad again. Well, if I never hear from him again, I can deal with that.
While I was online, someone I had dated for 6 weeks before I started dating my cheating ex IMed me. I was being pretty aloof to his small talk, as I had already told him that I wasn’t interested in pursuing something again the last time he asked me (a couple weeks ago), but then he asked me if I’m “ever going to hang out” with him again. I answered clearly and bluntly, “Probably not.” He seemed miffed, so I explained that the last time I just needed a friend when I found out my ex cheated on me, I thought he understood that and despite his agreeing when I explicitly asked him not to do anything, he was an octopus.
I’m gonna go into detail about this jaw-droppingly delusional conversation, so if you don’t want to read this, don’t click on the “more.”